The Karama Collection
You are creating your reality every moment of every day via your thoughts, feelings, intentions, actions and beliefs. We play in the way with the yin and yang, positive and negative forces.
Right now and always, you have an amazing opportunity to reshape your reality.
Source alchemy works through you, nudging you with inspired thought and intuitive guidance.
That guidance can come in many forms.
This collection was inspired by that guidance, in collaboration with my sweet friend, wholesome colleague turned student turned co-creator, Lana Nazer, owner and director of Karama Yoga in Saudi Arabia.
These times call for the Birth of a strong awareness on how to transmute friction, and how to create magic with a very strong directional force and inspired projection.
The Karama Collection

So happy to introduce this beautiful collection to you all. Originally inspired by Saudi Arabian culture, traditions, and practices. As well as use of moon phases in Arabic culture to signify the movement and transition of time and space.